Form 5 Visit Westminster Abbey
Form 5 navigated the bus and tube system and crowds around Westminster Abbey on Tuesday. Evangeline and Kiana helped demonstrate what happens during a Coronation, and we were introduced to the Coronation Chair. The tour covered a thousand years of history, from the original abbey founded in 960 CE to its rebuilding by Henry III for Edward I’s coronation in 1272. We visited the tomb of the unknown warrior and saw the final resting places of many monarchs, including the surprising contrast in the heights of Elizabeth I and Richard II’s tombs. The joint tomb of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York was particularly striking, symbolizing the unity of the Lancaster and York houses. Lunch in the cloisters reminded us of the monks’ contemplative life. Evangeline, our "Queen for the day," summed it up: "It was AMAZING. I think this would be a great experience for everyone!"