St Hildas School


The school has many policies prescribing the approach it takes to both everyday management of the school and to special situations that occur only occasionally. We are happy to share these with parents upon request.

To download our Safeguarding Policy  click here.

To download our Admissions Policy  click here.

To download our Behaviour Policy  click here.

To download our Complaints Policy  click here.

To download our Fire Safety Policy  click here.

To download our Gender Pay Gap Report click here.

To download our Relationship and Sex Education Policy click here.

To download our Health and Safety Policy click here.

To download our Online Safety Policy click here.

To download our Recruitment Selection and Disclosure Policy click here.

Paper copies of all our other policies can be obtained from the school office, including:

  • SEND
  • Curriculum
  • English as an Additional Language (EAL)
  • Medical Conditions/Medicines in School
  • Educational Visits
  • Supervision
  • E-safety
  • First Aid
  • Anti-bullying

If you wish to write to the Chair of Governors, you can contact Mrs Sarah Altman, Chair of the Aldenham Foundation Governors, via Aldenham School, Elstree, WD6 3AJ. If you wish to contact the Head, Mr Andy Kaye, please do so via St Hilda's School, High Street, Bushey, WD23 3DA.    

Part of the
Aldenham Foundation